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What To Consider When Starting A Drug Treatment Facility
Date: June 22, 2020
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When thinking about starting a drug treatment facility there are various requirements involved other than understanding your market. Starting with the right plan for your facility based off key metrics and industry data is important at the beginning to ensure profitable gains early on. With over 20 years in the healthcare and addiction treatment industry our recovery consultants will support and educate your staff through the entire process. We are known for having the quickest and most efficient turn-around and delivering 100% success rate in both licensing and accreditation. When starting a drug treatment facility here are a few things you will want to review.

  • Business Plan & Pro Forma
    The best way to understand your business model is through the creation of a business plan and Pro Forma. A Pro Forma will forecast your cost and revenue, as well as create opportunity to understand the variables to your business structure. We will guide and direct you in developing a comprehensive road map to organize your goals, objectives and milestones.
  • Staff Training & CEU’s
    Did you know that DCHS & Joint Commission require your staff to have a certain amount of service related training hours each year? We offer an online learning management program with more than 400 industry specific courses and 200 office skills classes to help you meet these requirements and get certified when it’s convenient for you.
  • Joint Commission Accreditation (JCAHO)
    Obtaining national accreditation is necessary. Joint Commission Accreditation dramatically improves individual care and revenue. We will train your staff in many accreditation requirements, including, but not limited to; Infection Control, National Patient Safety Goals, Performance Improvement, Medication Management, Emergency Action Planning, Environment of Care, and Human Resources Management.
  • Program Development
    There are specific clinical contact hours required for each level of care by the Department of Health Care Services and insurance providers. A client-centered approach be should be developed that also makes sense from a business perspective. We are here to create and implement a targeted treatment schedule for you.Opening a drug treatment facility is very complex but with our recovery consultants at Into Action Consulting we make sure that you are providing the very best to each and every patient while staying up-to-date on ongoing licensing demands. Our full range of services will guide you through each process with exceptional care. Contact one of our recovery consultants today for a free consultation.
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